News: 2016
13 October 2016 | CloudSat Overpass
Hurricane Nicole
CloudSat completes a stunning eye overpass of Hurricane Nicole.
28 September 2016 | CloudSat Overpass
Typhoon Megi
CloudSat overpasses Typhoon Megi.
14 September 2016 | CloudSat Overpass
Super Typhoon Meranti
CloudSat overpasses east of the eye of Super Typhoon Meranti.
23 August 2016 | CloudSat Publication
Remote Sensing of TC's
CloudSat journal article summary - Remote Sensing of Tropical Cyclones.
29 April 2016 | CloudSat Overpass
TC Fantala
CloudSat overpasses a strengthening TC Fantala in the Indian Ocean.
17 April 2016 | CloudSat Overpass
Midwest Storm System
CloudSat overpasses a slow moving system across the central US.
22 January 2016 | CloudSat Overpass
Midwest Storm System
CloudSat overpasses a developing nor'easter on the US east coast.