News: 2011
2011 CloudSat News
9 SEPTEMBER 2011 | CloudSat Education Network
CEN visit through South Africa
Peter Falcon from CloudSat and Mark Brettenny from the Africa Regional Office undertook a roadtrip to promote both the CloudSat Education Network and the GLOBE Program in Africa.
27 APRIL 2011 | CloudSat Severe Wx Overpass
Severe Weather Outbreak
CloudSat profiles severe weather over the US on April 15 and 16th, 2011.
20 APRIL 2011 | CloudSat Snow Overpass
Canada Snow Storm
CloudSat overpasses a snow storm over New Brunswick, Canada on Feb. 28, 2011.
23 FEBRUARY 2011 | CloudSat TC Overpass
Tropical Cyclone Carlos
CloudSat completes an eye overpass of Tropical Cyclone Carlos.
17 FEBRUARY 2011 | CloudSat TC Overpass
Tropical Cyclone Bingiza
CloudSat overpasses Tropical Cyclone Bingiza over Madagascar.
4 FEBRUARY 2011 | CloudSat TC Overpass
Tropical Cyclone Yasi
CloudSat overpasses Tropical Cyclone Yasi near the Australia coast.
7 JANUARY 2011 | CloudSat Overpass
Queensland Flooding
CloudSat captures the remnants of Tropical Cyclone Tasha and more heavy in Australia