News: 1998-1999
1998-1999 CloudSat News
May 1999
- JPL News Release: "CloudSat to revolutionize study of clouds and climate", 3 May 1999. [HTML]
- GEWEX News: "NASA approves CloudSat", vol. 9, May 1999, p.3. [HTML]
April 1999
- BATC News Release:"BATC Wins Contract for CloudSat Spacecraft", 30 April 1999. [HTML]
January 1999
- "Satellites to capture 3-D images of clouds", Environmental News Network staff, 11 January 1999. [HTML]
- "NASA missions to study Earth's clouds, volcanic plumes", 4 January 1999. [HTML ]
December 1998
- Denver Post: "CSU, NASA to study clouds", Dave Curtin, Denver Post Higher Education Writer, 30 December 1998, p. B-1.
- Fort Collins Coloradoan: "$145M project lets CSU take peek at what's in a cloud", Sonja Brisbee Wulff, 30 December 1998.
- Rocky Mountain News: "CSU will lead NASA cloud study", Bill Scanlon, 30 December 1998
- CSU Press Release: "Colorado State University leads $145 million project to develop spacecraft what will provide 3-D images to
study clouds, aerosols and improve weather, climate forecasting", 29 December 1998. [HTML]
- NASA Press Release: "Future Missions to Study Clouds, Aerosols, Volcanic Plumes", 22 December 1998. [HTML]