News: 2012
2012 CloudSat News
31 OCTOBER 2012 | CloudSat Overpass
Hurricane Sandy, Part II
CloudSat overpasses Hurricane Sandy roaring ashore on October 29, 2012.
29 OCTOBER 2012 | CloudSat Overpass
Hurricane Sandy
CloudSat overpasses Hurricane Sandy off the Atlantic coast on October 27, 2012.
5 SEPTEMBER 2012 | CloudSat Overpass
Tropical Storm Leslie
CloudSat profiles overshooting cloud top in Tropical Storm Leslie.
31 MAY 2012 | CloudSat Overpass
Tropical Storm Beryl
CloudSat overpassed an early season Tropical Storm in the Atlantic Ocean.
18 MAY 2012 | CloudSat Overpass
Tropical Depression Aletta
CloudSat overpassed a weakening Tropical Depression Aletta in the Eastern Pacific.
1 MARCH 2012 | CloudSat Data Product
Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC)
Specialized A-Train satellite values co-located to CloudSat footprints for the period May 2008 to April 2010.
20 JANUARY 2012 | CloudSat Overpass
Tropical Cyclone Heidi
CloudSat overpass of Tropical Cyclone Heidi off the coast of Australia on Janaury 11, 2012.
9 JANUARY 2012 | CloudSat Overpass
Thunderstorms over Texas
CloudSat overpass of severe thunderstorms in Texas on January 9, 2012.