News: 2013
2013 CloudSat News
18 OCTOBER 2013 | CloudSat Overpass
Typhoon Francisco
CloudSat intersects just west of the eye of Typhoon Francisco on October 17, 2013 in the West Pacific.
20 AUGUST 2013 | CloudSat Overpass
Typhoon Utor
CloudSat intersects the eye of Typhoon Utor on August 11, 2013 in the West Pacific.
9 AUGUST 2013 | CloudSat Overpass
Hurricane Henriette
CloudSat intersects the eye of a very small Hurricane Henriette on August 8, 2013.
30 JULY 2013 | CloudSat Overpass
Tropical Depression Flossie
CloudSat intersects a weakening Tropical Depression Flossie on July 29, 2013.
15 JULY 2013 | CloudSat Overpass
Typhoon Soulik
CloudSat profiles Typhoon Soulik in the West Pacific on July 8 and 12, 2013.
11 JULY 2013 | CloudSat Overpass
Tropical Storm Chantal
CloudSat profiles Tropical Storm Chantal in the Atlantic Ocean on July 9, 2013.
20 JUNE 2013 | CloudSat Overpass
Tropical Storm Barry
CloudSat profiles Tropical Storm Barry in the Gulf of Mexico on June 19, 2013.
24 APRIL 2013 | CloudSat Overpass
Chicago Heavy Rains
CloudSat profiles the storm system responsible for heavy rains in the Chicago area.
16 APRIL 2013 | CloudSat Overpass
Tropical Cyclone Imelda
CloudSat completes a near eye overpass of TC Imelda in South Indian Ocean.
1 APRIL 2013 | CloudSat in the News
CloudSat in Know Your Earth 3.0
Congratulations to Dale Reinke and Phil Partain for being selected for the JPL's Know Your Earth 3.0 campaign!
27 FEBRUARY 2013 | CloudSat Data Product
2C-SNOW-PROFILE data product
CloudSat DPC releases 2C-SNOW-PROFILE - snow particle size and snowfall rate.
20 FEBRUARY 2013 | CloudSat Overpass
Tropical Cyclone Haruna
CloudSat overpasses Tropical Cyclone Haruna near Madagascar.
8 FEBRUARY 2013 | CloudSat Overpass
New England Blizzard
CloudSat overpasses a portion of the storm system responsible for dumping up to 3' of snow in New England.