News: 2002-2004
2002 - 2004 CloudSat News
September 2003
Stephens, G.L., 2003. The Useful Pursuit of Shadows. American Scientists, Volume 91:442-449
American Scientists On-Line - "The Useful Pursuit of Shadows" [ HTML ]
April 2003
18 April 2003 - "Students from Colorado State University visit CloudSat at Ball Aerospace". More...
February 2003
- 20 February 2003 - "Colorado State University Professor Awarded Prestigious American Geophysical Union Fellowship 2003", Colorado State University Press Release. [HTML]
- 11 February 2003 - "EMS Delivers CloudSat Switches", Space News. [HTML]
- 3 February, 2003 - "Satellite Project Aims to Improve Forecasting, Climate Models", Science Letter in NewsRx.
- February 2003 - Colorado State Leads NASA CloudSat Satellite Mission To Launch World's Most Advanced Weather Radar To Improve Forcasting, Climate Models, Colorado Water Resources Research Institute, pg 5-6. [PDF]
January 2003
- 16 January 2003 - "NASA Mission Will Look at Clouds from Both Sides", Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. [HTML]
- 16 January 2003 - "Colorado State Leads NASA CloudSat Satellite Mission to Launch Worlds Most Advanced Weather Radar to Improve Forecasting, Climate Models", Colorado State Univerity Press Release. [HTML]
- 16 January 2003 - "World's Most Advanced Weather Satellite will Improve Forecasting", SciNews, Newswise, . [HTML]
- 17 January 2003 - "Satellite Explores Clouds - Researcher hopes project clears up climate process", Fort Collins Coloradoan, LOCAL, B1.
December 2002
- The CloudSat Mission and the A-Train. A New Dimension of Space-Based Observations of Clouds and Precipitation. Bullentin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol 83, Num 12, December 2002, 1771-1790. [PDF]
- The oil and acrylic painting, "CloudSat: The Useful Pursuit of Shadows", by Prof. Graeme L. Stephens, the CloudSat PI, makes it on the cover of the December 2002 edition of the Bullentin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol 83, Num 12, December 2002.
July/August 2002
- July/August, 2002 - "CloudSat/CALIPSO OUtreach Planning Session (CCOPS) -Minutes", by Alan Ward (SSAI, ESSP Outreach Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Debra Krumm (CloudSat Outreach Coordinator, Colorado State University), Dianne Robinson (CALIPSO Outreach Coordinator, Hampton University, VA), The Earth Observer (EOS), 14, No4, 14-21.
May 2002
- May 4th, 2002 - AQUA Launch Successful. [ HTML ]
April 2002
- Town Hall meeting at JPL, 17 April 2002. Dr. Ghassem Asrar, NASA Associate Administrator for Earth Science, discusses the new NASA vision and mission and how it affects NASA's Earth Science Enterprise. Dr. Asrar mentions CloudSat and compliments the CloudSat Team. [ Audio ]