News: 2014
2014 CloudSat News
10 November 2014 | CloudSat Overpass
Bering Sea Storm
CloudSat overpassed the extratropical reminants of Nuri in the Bering Sea.
10 November 2014 | CloudSat Overpass
Rare Medicane Storm
CloudSat overpassed a Mediterranean tropical cyclone (medicane) on November 7, 2014.
4 SEPTEMBER 2014 | CloudSat Publication
Convection and Aerosols
Observations of aerosol-induced convection invigoration in the tropical east Atlantic.
28 AUGUST 2014 | CloudSat Publication
CloudSat, Convection, Anvils
A CloudSat Cloud-Object Partitioning Technique and Assessment and Integration of Deep Convective Anvil Sensitivities to Sea Surface Temperature.
25 MAY 2014 | CloudSat Overpass
Hurricane Amanda
CloudSat overpasses the first hurricane of the Eastern Pacific season.
15 MAY 2014 | CloudSat Overpass
Midwest Severe Weather
CloudSat overpasses severe weather in the midwest on May 11, 2014.
7 MARCH 2014 | CloudSat News Article
Cloudy Forecast
The biggest source of climate uncertainty is white and fluffy.